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The Healing power of mudras:The yoga of the hands  9789381384220 | 本
 作者 Rajendar Menen
 出版社V & S
 開本 三十二開  外觀 平裝  頁數 104
 出版日期 2011/01   1   1
 最近狀態:2011/09/27 已購

About the Book : Our fingers have enormous power. With the right positioning for prescribed periods, the fingers of both hands scan rejuvenate the body, heal diseases and even slowly, over time, make a spiritual awakening happen.  Mudras can be practised in all the ways; walking, sitting, standing and even lying down. They require no gadgetry, complicated accessories or extra space. The are easy to do, make no demands of extraordinary physical strength, and are completely free. Called the ‘Yoga of the hands’. Mudras are an ideal healing tool. They have been known to prevent and cure illnesses and, most important, slowly bring about a spiritual regeneration.

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